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Clothing Styles: From God or Man?

Writer's picture: otaruschoolsotaruschools

Updated: Mar 19, 2024

In the Christian world today, the type of styles of clothing have been used to determine if a person is right with God or not. And different styles exist, with some been tagged as been from God, while some others are seen as been from man (“worldly”). Now, where do these so-called good and bad clothing styles come from, God or man?

Christains are generally seen to follow Jesus Christ through the Bible; in terms of His life style, deeds and words. Thus, many christains tend to live by the Bible; based on what is directly or indirectly commanded, the examples in the Bible or inference to some certain actions in the Bible.

Jesus wore a robe/mantle/shawl/cloak with tassels (Mark 6:56 and Luke 8:43-47). Today, such clothing styles are often seen in the Christian world to be archaic, and are restricted in usage to very few. Christianity today tend to have different clothing styles from what Jesus Christ or His apostles had.

And, the clothing styles that are in vogue today are often seen to be unfit for christians in some communities, while the same clothing styles are seen to be fit for christians in other communities.

For instance, in the country Nigeria, trousers are generally seen to be male-only clothing, while skirts are generally seen to be female-only clothing. Thus, females are not allowed to wear trousers to church, and males are not allowed to wear skirts to church. This is widely upheld by many churches in the country, (for example, the church of Christ). Only very few churches allow their women to wear trousers to church; and as for men wearing skirts to church; it is almost non-existent.

In some other countries like Fiji, skirts are seen to be for both male and female; and it is generally allowed for men and women to wear skirts to church. Even in the Church of Christ in that country, men generally wears skirts to church. Also, in some area of the country, men are not encouraged to wear trousers to church. For instance, some congregations of Methodist church disallowed men from wearing trousers to church on Sundays. Thus, it is like a case of one man’s meat is another’s poison!

The take-home here are, in the christian world, some clothing styles have outlived their usefulness (despite the fact that they are Bible examples), while some clothing styles that are seen not to be acceptable in certain places; are good in other places.

Having it in mind that Christianity is generally seen as a worldwide religion (Acts 1:8); one may ask whether stipulations exist in the Bible for clothing styles that should serve Christians in all countries and all ages. And also, which clothing style is the best for all Christians; and who gave it?

Though, the Bible gave details regarding the clothing styles of the high priest, and the Jewish priests for their duties; but it generally, did not prescribe nor describe much about clothing styles for everyone (Exodus 28). Also, Deut. 22:5 prohibits cross-dressing without specifying in details the characteristics of either men or women’s clothing style.

Specifically, in the old testament of the Bible, the Hebrews commonly wore robes, sashes and turbans. And the Hebrew female clothing style largely had some resemblance to those of the male; though they differ in some ways. But today, these style of clothing are generally left for the church title holders only, as they are seen to be old fashioned. (Ezekiel 16:9-14, Isaiah 3:16-23, Exod. 28; Lev. 16:4; 2 Sam. 13:18; Exod. 32:2; Numb. 31:50; Dan 3:21; 1 Chron. 15:27; 1 Sam 2:19; 2 Samuel 13:18; Song of Solomon 5:3; Isaiah 3:22 & 23).

In the New Testament of the Bible, the same form of dressing style is also seen. The New Testament emphasizes moderate dressing, and like the Old Testament, condemn effeminacy (1 Corinthians 6:9) that encompasses cross-dressing; but without specifying clothing style for male or female. Lastly, there are no specific styles of clothing given to the church when it started (Mark 6:56; Luke 8:43-47; 1 Tim 2:9 & 10, 1 Pet. 3:2-5, Acts 9:39, Matt. 22:11, James 2:2).

Hence, it seemed God thought it not necessary to give specific clothing style for all people; thus, man has been saddled with designing clothing styles.


But, the innate differences that exist in humans are often manifested in the type of clothing styles they design. This has caused the differences in designs around the world; and the preferences of certain designs to specific sects or genders over the other.


Summarily, since it is man that determines clothing styles, and the new testament advocated modesty; whatever style that is generally acceptable by a sect of people (which is generally seen as the custom of such people), is acceptable with a Christian, since God encourages the Christians to abide by the custom they find themselves in, if they are not against His command (Romans 13:7). And also, to a large extent, those that did not grow up with such custom have not sin by not abiding by such; they are not to be coerced or bully into observing it.


Hence, if everyone should have this knowledge, then the Nigerian man will welcome the Fijian man in skirts into the church, and the Fijian man will welcome the Nigerian man in trousers into the church. This also applied to women in trousers.


In I Corinthian 8, Paul discussed a similar issue of knowledge; where he advice moderation in applying our knowledge in places where others do not fully understand a situation.


Thus, while we have the right to design any style, to choose any style; to align or not to align ourselves to styles with general acceptability; we are to consider others who may not understand our way of doing things.


Hence, moderation is required from us all!

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