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Modest Clothing

Writer's picture: otaruschoolsotaruschools

Updated: Jun 12, 2024

Clothing is one of the basic necessities of life (1 Timothy 6:8).

Through human history, clothing styles have been used to communicate different things. They often indicate status, position, wealth and gender.

For example, in the Bible, royal robes distinguish the rich from commoners; sackcloth for times of mourning or repentance; veil for prostitution; certain clothes for wedding; sacred garments for high priest (2 Chronicles 18:9; Esther 6:8; Jonah 3:5; Joel 1:8; Genesis 38:14–15; Proverbs 7:10; Matthew 22:11-17).

Specifically, different clothing and clothing styles were stated to have been worn. The Bible reported some clothing like; sewed fig leaves to cover their bodies; garments from the skin of an animal; embroidered dress; fine linen;  jewelry; bracelets; necklace; nose rings, earrings; breast piece, an ephod, a robe, a woven tunic, a turban and a sash; sacred linen tunic with linen undergarments; linen sash; linen turban, and so on (Genesis 3:6–7; Genesis 3:21; Ezekiel 16:9-14; Exodus 28:4-42, Numbers 31:50).

Another thing that was seen in the Bible, is that the clothing styles worn by men and women were similar; as they had the same name.

For instance, Aaron said, ‘take off the gold earrings that your wives, your sons and your daughters are wearing, and bring them to me (Exodus 32:2).

Jesus wore robe, as it was stated that they laid the sick in the marketplaces and begged him that they might touch just the end of his robe (Mark 6:56). 

Tamar wore robe; as it was stated that she was wearing an ornate robe, for this was the kind of garment the virgin daughters of the king wore (2 Samuel 13:18).

David was clothed in a robe of fine linen….David also wore a linen ephod (1 Chronicles 15:27).

Thus, these clothing styles were seen to be acceptable in their time; and thus could be seen to be modest.

But today, it is rear to find such clothing styles in the streets of Christian communities in many countries. The reason mainly is that they are seen to be out of vogue or old fashioned; even by the Christian communities that believe in following examples of the Bible.

Many communities reserve such dresses for special people or occasions only; like for church leaders in some churches, or for religion festivals.

Thus, those that wear them in the streets could be seen as dressing out of place; hence been immodest.

If clothing styles in the Bible, that are supposed to serve as examples to any Christian, are largely seen to be out of place in our time, then what constitute modest clothing?

The Bible did not recommend specific clothing or clothing styles for people of all ages; and in all places; instead, while the Old Testament gave some pattern to the high priest, priests and the Jews; condemning merging of certain materials in one dress, and cross-dressing; the New Testament recommended modesty in dressing (Leviticus 19:19; Deuteronomy 22:5; 1 Timothy 2:9-10). 

Since many Christians believe that our age is largely run by the New Testament laws, we will be looking at modest clothing.

Modesty is generally seen to be relative moderation…

By relative moderation, it means that our clothing or clothing styles should largely align with what is expected in specific scenes. Hence, a swimming trunk for the pool, a robe for the priest in church, and so on.

Clothing and clothing styles generally emerge as a result of human quest to find ‘better’ form of covering and beautification. But, depending on how a particular sect of people or community view a particular style; the style may be taken for all-out-dressing, occasional dressing, location-specific dressing, for both sexes, for either of the sexes; for status, for war, for work, and so on. When they are generally chosen as such; violations are largely seen to be out of place, or immodest. And these choices vary from places to places.

Hence what constitutes modesty and immodesty in clothing also vary from places to places. 

Generally, people determine what modest clothing and modest clothing styles are. And such conclusions are often drawn on the basis of location, time, the presence of certain people and circumstances under which such is been considered.

Hence, for one to say any clothing or clothing style is modest or immodest; largely depend on these factors.


People Issue

The presence of certain persons when a particular cloth is worn can determine whether the clothing is modest or not. For instance, a woman wearing a transparent underwear night gown in presence of the children or other men; against in presence of her husband. While the same night gown could be seen to be immodest in presence of the children or other men; it is often seen to be modest in presence of the husband.



Location issue

Some certain clothing are largely seen to be modest in certain locations, and immodest in other locations.

For instance, wearing a swimming trunk to church will generally be seen as immodest, while the same swimming trunk at the beach or swimming pool is seen to be modest.

Also, a skirt is seen to be modest for man to wear to anywhere including church worship in certain places, like Fiji; but the same skirt for a man, is considered immodest in other locations, like Nigeria.

The same applies to women wearing trousers in certain locations, like outside the church hall, but are not allowed to wear them into the church hall.


Time Issue

As time changes, clothing and clothing styles tend to move from modest to immodest; or vice versa.

For instance, many writings exist were it was largely seen that wearing jeans trousers to the church hall for worship was immodest in many places; but lately, the tune has generally changed. Jeans trousers are now largely seen to be modest in many of such places.

Also, time change could make a particular clothing to be out of vogue; hence, if it is worn in that same location that it was previously worn, it could be seen to be old fashion, and thus not appropriate for the time.

For instance, the way Jesus and the apostles dressed are often seen to be out of vogue in many places, even including some locations that they had once lived in; thus, such clothing styles are seen to be immodest in this our time; in many locations.


Circumstance issue

The circumstances that led to the wearing of some particular clothing styles could determine whether the dress is modest or not.

For instance, some churches in Nigeria oppose female wearing trousers; as trousers are seen to be for male only. Thus, for such people, trousers is immodest for girls or women.

But, these people often see trousers to be modest for a girl or woman who wear trousers only for specific kind of work; or while serving the country in a service program.

Also, they view trousers as been modest for a baby girl that require adequate covering from cold. Thus, in such circumstances, trousers for females are seen to be modest by these sects.




Summarily, it is very difficult to pick out some specific clothing or clothing styles, and say they are the modest clothing or styles for everyone; everywhere. This is so because the innate differences in man normally manifest in what man regulates.

Since God did not specify some particular clothing or clothing styles for humanity, man is saddled with regulating clothing and clothing styles.

Hence depending on the designer and the environment, different designs could be accepted as been suitable by a particular sect of people. But the designs may be different from what is acceptable by others elsewhere; or even the same with what is rejected by others elsewhere.

Hence, modest clothing is not what one has grown up with or see people around wear only; but that clothing and clothing styles that fit in with the right time, place, people and circumstance.

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